tina belcher, burner id lost to history

“They're" making a big sacrifice? Yeah,  right. Odds are her slack-jawed son will be dodging his child support payments within the next 3 years 

How long did she have to wait for her food? The Popeyes by me is legendary for long waits, not letting you know they’ve run out of the food you ordered until you’ve been stuck in the drive-thru for half an hour, and getting your order wrong if they do fill it. No jury would convict someone who went through that 

Doesn't matter what they do, it won't be Full Self Driving 

Elon does nothing but insult the state of California.  Don't understand why people still buy them there now that there are other options.  

IIRC that was Missouri's legislature 

And those same dealers are undoubtedly staunch republican performative military supporters

Oh, these cars will be 100% parted out

A Detroit newspaper columnist 20 years ago commented that the factory cost for all the glass in a Navigator was $10,000. Didn't even include the labor. 

Hey hey, my my

Insurance companies are scary powerful. Hyundai will have to placate them.

1998 Honda Civic DX. Cheap lease because it was a 5 speed. It was transportation. Honestly did not get the Honda love after that car. And near the end of the lease, it developed a disturbing habit of stalling if you let the gas tank go below 3/4 full.

“Watch this show or the goose dies”

Hank Can Wait...for his midlife crisis 


Yup. Authorities say it was deliberate 

I was a service writer in the 80s. If a Chevette with AC and auto trans needed a master cylinder, we would quote 8 hours labor in hopes the customer would take the miserable POS elsewhere

It's not the flex they think it is 

It’s a feature, not a bug. Why do you think they locate their plants in the "business friendly" South?

A Real American Zero

Pro tip for Elon: stop being a fucking asshole.