sadly IMO Levar blew the audition
sadly IMO Levar blew the audition
Gupta was OK. I liked Faber well enough, and liked Buzzy way more than I thought I would. Ken was fine as well, brought some show heritage to the game.
I’m saving a lot of money not going to Europe or South America, plus not getting a lake cottage. I figure I’m saving at least a hundred grand, let’s go buy a car!
Fucked around, found out, I guess
Didn’t one of the Trump spawn do some gloating?
Our buyer is looking at three houses with a budget in the one million dollar range...he’s an interfaith leader, actor, and producer.
But we certainly can’t look back at those crimes in a critical way! That would be unpatriotic!
The 2019 layoffs were not voluntary, according to the article. If they (plaintiffs and lawyers suing Ford) are right, it was extremely egregious age discrimination
I’m with you except for Aaron Rodgers. He was OK but not top tier
The Freep also has a paywalled article about how Ford targeted older workers in 2019, booting them in favor of younger, inexperienced new hires. The icing on the cake was them targeting people who were due to get their pension payouts raised. It’s pretty terrible reading.
I drove my usual half hour commute home one snowy day in my 4 speed Escort. Took 3 hours, and when I got home my left leg was literally shaking.
those chin germs are dangerous!
It’s a terrible car, they all were. But you’d very likely be the only one at the car show with one, and the upholstery is awesome. NP for the right person, who is not me
Just because Washington is a legal weed state doesn’t mean you can import it from north of the border
ah, when I googled Remington covers, I got different pix.
This article lacks a reminder that the Renault 5 was sold in the US for a little while as Le Car
I need a new car. It will be my only mode of transportation as I’m having a bit of a disagreement with the douches over at the FAA. Naturally, the car should be maxxed out. No limit on price, my parents are loaded.
use the tape to fix some bit of plastic trim and the passengers freak.