
Hey there! I’m doing well. Hope you and yours are also!

Panic attacks are pure trash. I don’t wish them on anyone.

Definitely was.

That took me all the way out. :(

True. I caught that too. I think it was the mother’s boyfriend. :(


I liked how they definitely told the entire story. Not just that she was a bad mother who didn’t take care of her child, but how the entire situation came to be.

They definitely did a great way of telling a nuanced story with many layers. You felt for Shauna, you definitely felt for Deja.

This whole episode took my heart, threw it on the floor, and stomped all over it.

Thank you for telling your story.

Like I said, the unwashed.


There is sadness.

Unsweet tea is for heathens and the unwashed.

Even more.

That’s definitely Randall’s flaw. Thank goodness for Beth.

I’m so sorry.

Totally agree. She was impressive!

I totally agree with you on your assessment of Kevin.

“Sometimes you can do it, but other times, it’s hard and you sometimes get frustrated and retreat to unhealthy coping mechanisms.”