Miss Jackson

OMG the trolls the trolls the trolls in here.

You don’t think comparing the behavior of previous Secretaries of State or the rules for Secertaries of State regarding personal email use are pertinent in a discussion about whether it was a mistake? That’s an incompetent statement. It’s hard for me to take you seriously when you make incompetent statements.

It’s so amusing how fast this story has blown over. Now it’s all, “well it LOOKS bad!” Man, fuck outta here with that shit. Media needs to go home. It’s drunk.

Oh, come on. This is entirely politically motivated. I mean you could point to the investigation into Colin Powell using an AOL account for his private emails while in office, and him deleting all of them and not filing them per FOIA rules... but those hearings didn’t happen. Nor did hearings happen for for the

Ordained = winning, like it does every four years. Give it a rest, ya baby. (Also, DOJ is already walking back this bullshit so fast they are tripping.)

Perhaps you should blame the tens of millions of piece of shit Americans who intend to vote for him.

Nothing to freak out over really. Steady as she goes.
And as with all “scandals” there’s no “there” there at this point.

Then don’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯