
She didn’t get under his skin. She crawled in through his ear and set up demolition charges in his skull.

Fuck yeah, let’s get this party started!

Before the first debate there was a discussion between my (male) coworkers where one stated that she might not do well in the debate because of her temper, and the other asked (something like)“Why? Does she get crazy like a woman?” and that was the day I learned I could never get angry at work. Angry women are crazy,

Talking with my boss about this earlier — I wonder if, deep down, she was happy going against Trump and therefore getting the sure win, or if a part of her wishes she could have gone up against a GOP challenger that would’ve given her a chance to show off her experience and toughness (“Bengahzi Hearings” Hillary comes

Slay bitch.

People see what they want to see. Even when I was cheering Hillary on, I knew that Trump supporters were thinking the exact opposite. And when he said that horrible “Such a nasty woman” line, I gasped out loud but I KNOW there were millions of Trumpers who pumped their fists in the air and cheered because he was

I was so nervous watching him accept the presidency, praying that no one would take a shot at him. I know I’m going to feel the same way with Hillary. People have a hatred of her that seems to far eclipse their hatred of Obama.

I watched the debate with my husband, whose criticism of Hillary’s performance was that she wasn’t aggressive enough. I tried to explain to him that as the first woman to get to this level in American politics, she’s walking a tightrope between looking too ‘soft’ and being labeled a bitch for being too aggressive. As

Is he a friggin cartoon character? Are those even real facial expressions?

There wasn’t a single eye roll, smirk, or cocked eyebrow.

I loved when the debate was over and Clinton just peacocked across the stage directly in front of Trump with a big victorious smile on her face while he was still seething at his podium.

I don’t know how she kept her cool. There wasn’t a single eye roll, smirk, or cocked eyebrow. Every attack he tried to make about her ‘illegal’ activities, bad foreign policy record, and her husband could easily have been turned around and she could have thrown so much dirt in Trump’s face - things that we all know to

I’ve spoken about my Trumpette sister many times this election season. Today, she told me Trump ran away with the debate and she and her man cheered him on. And that HRC speaking is like nails on a blackboard. I don’t know what universe she lives in.

I want her to get to it. Heard a guy randomly threaten her in the street yesterday. “I’ll get Clinton. Got a .358 magnum.” This election was insane from the start, and has now gotten dangerous.

I am so fucking ready to see this woman get her Inauguration Day.

i assume that during every debate Hillary is thinking to herself “I can’t believe I have to do this wtfff” 

This is another reason I could never run for president. I would flat out refuse to sit next to Dolan.

I’m gonna assume they both do. Neither one comes off as off-the-cuff witty.

Maybe someone can also roast that fucker Dolan, too. He is no better, Mr. I- will-spend-ungodly-(in all senses of the word) amounts-of-money-to-block-legislation-that-would-extend-the-statute-of-limitations-for-sex-abuse-survivors. NY has a surprisingly short SOL of just 5 years for both criminal and civil cases, and

Everyone at their table: