
He is the safe choice... but he seems like a pretty decent guy.

Mainly because of awkward family Christmas/Thanksgiving dinners.

I think it’s step-dad because they are so eager to please and win affection and we’re like, “OMG, whatever.” Eyeroll. No?

As I’ve gotten older, that nice dad thing has become incredibly attractive to me. I want to bone Tim Kaine.

Do you regret it because he’s a secret BAMF like Liam Neeson in Taken or because you’re losing out on a great connection to a strong male role model because of an inability to keep it in your pants?

As someone who lived in Virginia you can disagree with the man’s politics but Tim Kaine is just a stand-up person. He’s really the best example of the kind of suburban dads I grew up with.

He’s not “America’s Step-Dad”, he’s “America’s Dad”. Dads are a lot more trustworthy (in general) than step dads.*

I don’t think anyone has really “latched onto” him. His job is to fill in a slot on the ticket and stay the fuck out of Hillary’s way. In that respect he’s the perfect candidate.

He’s the father-in-law you dream of, and then regret 5 years later when you’ve accidentally instigated an affair.

Leave that nice man alone, Ellie!!

The roaring 20s: great fashion, drinks, music, parties, art, expats! Minus the bad casting in all Great Gatsby’s (although Young Robert Redford is gorgeous, just not very right for that part).

i can’t think of a historical one, I just want to go to a utopia where animals talk and want me to be friends with them.

Renaissance Florence. No contest. So much wine and art, only small bouts of plague.

He doesn’t need to be 20 years younger. *purrrrrrrrr*

Yeah, he is impressive, persuasive, engaging, and actually listens. He’s the real deal, it’s too bad it came with all the womanizing.

That was my friend after she met Biden.

Obama is good on stage, but Bill works the back rooms like nobody’s business.

He really is. And his charisma is legendary. I have a good friend who met him a few years ago, and she said she was about 30 seconds away from just taking her pants off, and he wasn’t even being skeevy. He’s just THAT GOOD.

He’s Jerry from Parks and Rec IRL