
Def agree!!! I just don’t see Dany with Jon...

You mean someone trained by the Faceless Men and who happens to have Cersei on a kill list? hmmm

Def agree, I think she’s a villain as well, There was a little hint (I think) when she said she didn’t ‘feel’ anything when she dumped Dario.

omg... picturing Lyanna Mormont calling Bran a sullen tree-hugger!!

Right? They’re all related!! I would like Tyrion to find someone though...

Exactly I keep trying to tell my friends, it’s much more acceptable as viewers for a Sansa-Jon hook-up, than the Arya-Jon relationship foreshadowed in the books. Besides, it’s been hinted several times that Sansa could marry Robin (although Petyr will likely off him) - and Robin is her cousin the same way Jon is her

I’m thinking that too, even though he and Sansa are first cousins.

Poor Murtagh, he’s one of my favorites, he looked really excited at the prospect of being a father to Mary’s child. As always, Catriona’s acting this episode was superb! Wish we had more love scenes though, next week’s episode is gonna give me the ugly cries....

Raising a glass to Wendy Davis and her pink sneakers!!! Finally, some good news this week :)

Exactly. I live in a large, urban county. His campaign ‘sponsored’ candidates, in name only I guess, because he never actively campaigned for them. The 24 yr old they nominated for SHERIFF had zero law enforcement or political experience....

Lol he didn’t campaign or do any fundraising for other candidates. And yes he did get his supporters to run.... like in my county, his campaign had a 24 yr old with no law enforcement or political experience running for SHERIFF.

The same way Obama got Obamacare done - by compromising with the other side. I didn’t care for that either, but politics is not a zero sum game. You have to negotiate with the other side, that’s my point when I say we have a bicameral legislature, you have to at least acknowledge the other side/opposite argument

Lol, they have plenty of time to riot and revolt but no time to campaign for their local Congressional candidates or even vote in the midterms....


This. I’ve been mansplained by white male Bernie supporters more times than I can count. My white male friends who support Hillary are gay and/or worked on her campaign back in 2008.

Can someone, anyone, explain to me HOW Bernie was going to get his agenda passed if he were to become President? I could never get past this. He does know we have a legislature that has attempted to repeal Obamacare how may times? Was he going to break up big banks, free college and install universal healthcare by

You could easily say the same thing about Hillary Clinton. In the 90s, she was ‘the Femnazi communist’ pushing her socialist agenda of universal healthcare and hated by Wall Street. Then, 95% same Senate record as Bernie, now she’s a ‘corporate shill’ despite never sponsoring any legislation helping banks.

Don’t just vote - if you live in a swing state (especially), you need to call your representative and tell them you want gun control! The NRA wins because they send out emails and letters to their supporters on a regular basis to galvanize them to be politically active. If we want gun control, we have to level up,