
I have a love/hate relationship with Sword and Scale, when he gets it right he gets it damn right but other times it is just too fucking boring and serious with all the super dark clips of sociopaths or kids who killed their siblings.

Preach! I sympahize because I am one of those women who beings a convo about cheddar cheese and somehow ends up talking about Australia 10 minutes later. HOWEVER that is one of the main reasons why people would never want to listen to me go on for 40 minutes

Me and you both. I listen to podcasts on my way to work and essentially find that these two jabber about NOTHING and everything for about 75% of the podcast and therefore I end up trying to skip past the BS all the way trough my commute. Which is essentially, not the point of listening to a podcast in the first place

This! I’ve recently had a mini breakthrough wherein I realized I’m way too quick to be dismissive about people. I find its turned me into a very negative person and if I’m honest has made me miss out on lots of positive aspects of my relationships.

Honestly I do this a lot. Not because I’m important, not because I think the person texting me is unimportant but because I can be flaky AF. So sometimes I’ll hear my phone go and I’ll be doing something else and then when I go look at my phone I have other stuff to do and new notifications so yours doesn’t pop up

Wait for the anti mestizo-latino blacklatinos-caribeños. That shit is just a mindfuck ... I know because I come from these people.. it is absurd the amount of BS I get from mestizos and white latinos every damn day but then also that I hear from my own damn people about mestizo and white latinos. Like, BRO, we were

Ummm I like what you did here... however, it doesn’t work because she IS indeed sporting a top pony in the pic, its barely visible and only a HALF top pony but its still there.

She probably has a dual citizenship. I know my aunts who left my very poor latin american country years ago have two. Usually people use different ones to travel different places, depending on where you’re traveling immigration may give you a harder time if you use on or the other, you can also avoid longer line or

this. Like ... I mean at least he doesn’t go around saying offensive shit or worse DOING offensive shit. He’s a typical BRO who likes hot girls and switches them out... in the grand scheme of things his consensual relationships are irrelevant compared to all the shit we see from celebrities on a daily basis.

They also kissed on stage. And apparently now he’s gone on to kiss a bunch of other people female and male and post it to instagram as to say “nah bit, me and JLo are fine but not together”. I dunno...

This. My oldest friends and I have sort of drifted apart during the last year ... a lot of it being due to me being “that girl who gets a BF and disappears” but also if I’m honest with myself I’ve come to realize I’m an introvert and I don’t really ENJOY hanging out with them that much anymore but I have no ill will

LOL me too. Also, I love me some Jessica Chastain.

She’s definitely the more boring Hadid. I’ve resisted liking these girls because damn they get overhyped BUT after the whole groping thing in Milan I have a real soft spot for Gigi. I think Kendall is the most chill of the Kardashian clan so I have a soft spot for her too, but Bella is were I draw the line. She’s on

Oh crap, after my mom died my dad started dating someone my family wasn’t particularly fond of (we still aren’t) and I had refused to meet her (I was a teen). So one night I go to the movies with my dad and a few days later my sister in law is telling me and my brother that BFF saw my dad with the woman so we’re all

This. I’m not American but as an ardent feminist and defender of human rights it is astounding to me that this man won. Republicans in general are a difficult crowd to agree with IMO but I’ve never been as engrossed by a US election until this one.

She’s made 3 posts on instagram today regarding the election so 1. she definitely voted 2. One of them reads “This is one of the most important elections of our lifetime! Every vote makes a difference!” 3. The other two say “#makeamericahotagain”

I get that feeling too, I don’t know why.

Yeah. I just recently started noticing that most of my relatives who left the country are republicans in the US. At first I was so confused but it makes sense that people who ran from a socialist, war torn country and were aided by Reagan would maintain some sort of loyalty to Reps and complete skepticism towards

Not Cuban, but am Nicaraguan and basically most people who fled both countries were fleeing from a socialist government and were aided by a conservative one (Reagan) so I think for a lot of them its a combination of loyalty to republicans and complete fear of anything veering towards being “leftist”.

To be fair I think most people who were forced to flee the country and go to the states are conservative, add to that the fact that we are beginning yet ANOTHER term for Daniel Ortega... so people who left are even more prone to veer right. Also, Reagan...nicas love Reagan.