
I... actually really like this color. For blush. And for lips. And for eyeshadow. IDK about for wearing. I'd wear a this color sweater I think. Maybe a bit more red.

Ahahaha. That's hilarious. And cheating.

My eyeshadow is this color! me too!

That's why we shoudln't give them food stamps. They deserve starvation for being poor. /s

Ooooh. This is a really good expression of what allies should be doing I think. Not trying push forward/break new ground (leave that to the group to make their path) but kind of trying to... drag up the rear... of their particular groups and get them to become allies too. Does that make sense?

And also be freaking ADORABLE and HILARIOUS while doing it! Way to very subtly knock down a stereotype. Talent.

Th gifs on this article are making me realize how freaking FUNNY this guy is.

I was gonna say... she wrote season 6 right?

My first thouht was "why is Buffy not included here?"

Im about as liberal as it gets and I think it's funny. Why? Because I play it with liberal friends, and we make fun of the conservatives who ACTUALLY SAY THIS KIND OF CRAP the whole time.

I dislike her acting. But she seems fine.

more like... 5 years. So the kiddos might be a bit teensy.

Also like... um... 6 bullets.

you have inhuman restraint.

Oh! And UVA Too!

He just seems insufferable. Like five minutes with that dude and my skin would be crawwwwwling to get away.

Yes. I like them.

DO THIS. And put it on video.

If they were 16 it most certainly does.

The paint is pretty but I hate the shape. Claws = pass.