wait. What? This was in bio ap and I've forgotten it wasn't it.
wait. What? This was in bio ap and I've forgotten it wasn't it.
this is the comment I was looking for.
Or like... using the talent that you ACTUALLY HAVE as a lyricist to write some decent lyrics. I love Tswifts lyric-y songs- All Too Well makes me cry EVERY TIME.
It's the remix to ignition.
this is a Harry potter photo gif. Isn't it
I LOVE the Center Stage soundtrack. It makes me so damn happy.
YUp. Apparently this asshat decided to send screenshots of my internet activity on weekdays to my HR department. Because nothing says "I'm a feminist" like blackmailing feminists.
Oh it's not ok what she did? Are threats and blackmail ok? Coz you're good at those right?
Could I get some help from a mod please?
I am not acting like a jackass. You are the one who threatened and blackmailed me.
now I'm reporting you.
Yes it really fucking is, when it's something on this scale that has had actual consequences and has been confirmed by the media.
Having fun threatening women online?
NOPE. 25 y/o feminist woman from Chicago.
You don't need to avoid makeup... a good cleanser (dont overcleanse!) like CeraVe or Cetaphil, a good lotion (I like CeraVe pm) and a good sunscreen (I love MUAC's sunscreen and it's cheap for a lot...) can do wonders. I also use a vitamin c serum. Minamalism works for some people, but other stuff works for other…
Love me some niacinamide.
my birth year.
I think that would be the part where you said she's probably lying anyway.
Yeah. I watched that last night and felt like "....?...." at the end of it, even though parts of it WERE funny. I just... what? Especially the bit at the end there *SPOILER if you haven't seen it* where they agreed to discuss consent to try new things and then tried it and decided it "ruined them moment."
yeah. You do realize that if I had called the cops after I was sexually assaulted on a train I would have been laughed at because sexual assault is not actually taken seriously right