You know. They are both so beautiful and smart and talented. But idk If they'd have chemistry. Somehow I'm not sure- why is that?
You know. They are both so beautiful and smart and talented. But idk If they'd have chemistry. Somehow I'm not sure- why is that?
I... dont even understand how that is an argument anyone could be making. What in the hell.
Nono the best part is when you DO point them to things and they deny that they are accurate. I once sent a dude the fuckin' CDC rape statistics and he was like "No, those aren't actually accurate, because ...."
don't let it. It's not something she's super in control of - depression makes you think it's better to just be quiet and not bother people.
She is incredible. The hours of work that must have taken. And I love that her orthostists and doctors and OTs were supportive of her dream. And her dad is just adorable.
Ooo what show?
Wicked and Les Mis and Book of Mormon. I'd never get tired.
It's Pygmalion, which is also the basis for My Fair Lady.
I think that Pixar was supposed to be the gendered "boy" alternative to princess cartoons.
I had that happen to me with a third roommate in a three bedroom. It was lovely, especially because I really didn't get along with her. My other roommate and I were fine.
Just the "classic" ones. Shuffles and touches still exist Im pretty sure.
This is a really great way to put it. Someone has to throw down the welcome mat, otherwise it's all very intimidating.
Its... not raunchy. Its sexy or hot, but I wouldnt say it's "raunchy"
Can we please stop with the clumping of 50 shades and outlander? No. Bad.
I know: Jamie Fraser, personal space heater if you read the book he's described like that A LOT... will not be in my life... in the winter.
Yeah. I feel like with a three month or something people would just hang in there. Half a damn year/ $60? not likely.
No. Id be so upset.
It is used as an insult to Claire on the show. They think she is a spy. Except Jamie, who doesn't think that and is in love with her, who uses it as a nickname, the way one might call someone a "weirdo" just because they love that person.
I just want a hug from Rupert and Angus. Angus can be grumpy but I feel like they'd be there when you needed them.
You should really just explain to them how very many women they could probably seduce, if they just watch the show and take notes on Jamie.