Abortion is LEGALLY ACCEPTABLE. Roe v. Wade. Look it up. What these states shutting down abortion clinics via draconian laws is doing is denying women LEGAL access to a SAFE and LEGAL medical procedure that is THEIR RIGHT.
Abortion is LEGALLY ACCEPTABLE. Roe v. Wade. Look it up. What these states shutting down abortion clinics via draconian laws is doing is denying women LEGAL access to a SAFE and LEGAL medical procedure that is THEIR RIGHT.
Heck just say she's miscarrying.
I don't know why we're not talking about these phramacies exist for ALL prescriptions, not just this one. People can't get insulin or blood pressure pills because they don't have insurance and will DIE. So they order from abroad. This was another example of desperation. I don't know why we're not discussing the fact…
OH my god. I can't please go away and come back when you have compassion for human beings that have already been birthed.
She was a tragic piece in a game and is going to miss A YEAR IN THE PRECIOUS LIVES OF HER CHILDREN for protecting one of them and chosing the best of a couple really god damn shitty options.
I would gladly be punched in the mouth. I'll just stand there saying that while you punch me. Because god damn it: she was poor and had no other options.
omg join us get on that already!
aw. I have one too- with all the talk of touching to get comfortable I imagined them playing the kind of high-school courtship game. Oh no, his pinky is touching my pinky! Should I move my hand? He moved his hand. I'll hold his hand. Omg is he upset?
Ohhh yes I hope they tell! (Can you reply to notify me if they reply?)
I'm mostly heartbroken for you :(
Objectification could be fine and possibly healthy if it was practiced equally with both genders (the fact that this episode is a HUGE deal for women shows its not equal) and if a woman's status as a sex symbol wasn't frequently used to deny her her humanity and autonomy.
Yes! But I have no idea how Cait did that- it didn't look slick! Magic.
yes that was so intimate and gorgeous.
it's really good that she can still function while he looks at her like that. I'd be done.
Oh my god. I would just... Not be able to not make out with him.
Oh see I read it as "keep in mind, we will not be discussing our issues or anything that happened so don't come expecting that, this is just for my pleasure, which does not include speaking to you."
weight, money, weather and attention from their partners - so women are never grumpy about things like coworkers? Do women not have jobs?
most well liked. Not necessarily prettiest
That's nice but most schools still do this.