And you don't even need to suspect you're having s stroke!
And you don't even need to suspect you're having s stroke!
Flight uniform:
OMG stop making Nicki wave her leg around all day! That looks so tiring and she needs to switch sides to even out the muscles! :)
To be fair I'm pretty sure Taylor didn't do ANYTHING to "pit" Kanye against her. He jumped onstage and stole a mic.
He is a musician. He has duetted with taylor on her album and was her opener on a recent tour. They seem to be friends. He sang the song "The A Team"
This morning on my train transfer the mall I have to walk through played Let It Go followed by Summer Nights. I think it was just to make me laugh.
I can't buy her in literally anything.
I feel the same way. I'll just mix some cherry juice or whatever in and it will be the same.
don't you get it? They're the poor ones.
These are good gifs.
I loved that bit. It was... perfect.
Oh. Me too.
Yeah. It sounded like "I don't want to have to look for cameras" is something that she's already having to do. :/
She is freaking incredible.
That is so disturbing. But an efective summary. Fleshlight and shelter from the rain apparently.
If you vag is a house, it's theoretically God's house.
Brainwashing. Plain and simple. They are taught this from birth.
I would use this. Part of the reason that I haven't used Uber is that I am quite certain (I mean not really but in my feelings...) that the person who picks me up will be a scary rapist. This would be a little more comfortable for me.
Yes, there is that theory, I've heard that before. Without diving into that, going off face value, it is kind of unlikely that he was telling the whole truth about his vision.