Well. The next few episodes... I'm fairly concerned I won't be breathing by the end of them, thank god I can't binge watch them.
Well. The next few episodes... I'm fairly concerned I won't be breathing by the end of them, thank god I can't binge watch them.
me too. Obviously I knew dougal was going to tell her they were heading out, but I got strangely giddy when he finally said so.
I doubt she posted them on the web. Are you saying that celebs should have no expectation to private PC photo storage?
Hospital workers released this info without the family's consent?! that's fucking awful.
Also, the woman who played Kendra on Buffy.
eh I'm 25 and had it when I went to college in 2008.
If.you care about people with autism and Down syndrome etc... , please go learn about how they prefer to be spoken about and don't use slurs against them in the same breath.
Considering how fraught last names are (I'm totally agreeing that you should write whatever the person paying you wants, not what you want btw, but it does seem quite complicated to get each invite right...)
I frequently wish there were yearly "unlimited flight" cards for certain routes. My BFF has spent almost $2000 flying back and forth between Minneapolis and Chicago this year. Idk what I've spent - don't wanna looks
I would likely be on that train nearly every weekend, to see my BFF. A high speed train would sure as fuck beat the megabus (though only if it cost less than a spirit air plane - spirit is shitty but it's a 1 hr flight so IDC. )
Could this be to replace Barbara Walters since she retired?
I guess she was at an outpatient center? Or else wasn't she already at a hospital?
oh it can't be that bad, really? I'm from Illinois and D Boreanaz's accents makes me want to fall of my chair laughing every time I watch it. This one is more... Questionable for sure but not hilarious? I think the rest of her acting to go along with the accent is better?
this is a graphic video. Warning.
Aw but he missed her at camp. That's cute
It's not like graduates might be looking for JOBS or anything.
At a high school I can see it since the students don't LIVE THERE, but at a college it's oppressive. What if someone wanted to use FB to stay in touch with their family, but can't afford cell service or something? This is totally nuts.
Exactly. When I went to school I wasn't even allowed to set up a wifi network, except on some sort of dont ask dont tell policy.
... yup. All of those can easily put a person on the ground, or in the case of mace stop them from seeing properly.
They carry battons already, and they can carry tasers and mace as well.