
Killed with a TASER? Isn't the whole point of that that it drops a "suspect" and then you don't NEED to kill them/use more force? Oy.

It almost seems like... if we drop this now, nothing will change. And I do believe your right: if reporters aren't getting arrested and protesters aren't being tear gassed, the media will deem it boring and chase the next thing.

Boston Bombing. Hardcore, really really really, wrong.

That's pretty coherent - Brown was black and there was a robbery so obviously Brown did it and deserved to die. (AHHHHHHHHHHH. *cries*)

Yes. There really should be some sort of auto "ok, now you're a real person" threshold.

That's why THIS BOOK is a TV show and that's why THIS BOOK is beloved - it does not perpetuate that. And... honestly most of the other characters claire doesn't really like as much.

It is seriously incredible. Like Disney Princess hair but ... real.

OMG not you whining about how you hate romannnnnce. :/ Again.

and even while bringing happiness and laughter to LITERALLY millions of people.

I was thinking "he reminds me of my dad" and now I learn a girl my age just lost her dad.


Oh no I just like the regular ones. The multicolored ones have fruit flavors - there's enough fruit no? :P

Ambrosia? AKA Orange Jello and Miracle Whip and Pineapple and Mandarin Oranges and marshmallows?!

Yep. Just last week a facebook group of lady friends and I spent a huge amount of time reporting a revenge porn facebook group (we knew for certain it was not consensual porn because it contained pictures of one of our members that had been stolen a long time ago.)

No. The answer isn't telling women to get off the internet. The answer is making violent assholes more accountable.

No. Because it's god damn scary and we shouldn't have to put up with it.

Yeah. I got my star like a month before it ended. And I was so freakin' proud. And then it ended.

Oh I think I got into it with that one.

I would gladly be a member of a new trollpatrol helping to get rid of this crap - I've seen it, I know I can handle it, and I wouldn't mind helping.

You would understand if you were a woman who has used the internet. I am a random commenter and I've dealt with all kinds of insanity and threats. You are basically saying that women shouldn't be writers on the internet if they don't expect to get threats of rape.