
Ugh, freaking Illinois Nazis... They’re especially predominant in the southern part of the state— you know, the part surrounded by Missouri, Kentucky, and Indiana. *barf*

I’ve never wanted to eat something more than I now want to eat this mythical black sandwich.

I’m very glad you had the good sense to immediately procure the nearest pup and cat. You should start to feel better soon.

Was it the 90s? Because that was just the thing then, and lots of us went for it. Now I too am stuck faking up my brows every day.

Everyone has also started using “queue” when “cue” would be appropriate, because they’re Smart and know how to use the Fancy Version.

Exactly what I said to my husband as we were watching-- “Tormund would never have made her cry.”

Holy crap that’s me! I was a kid just then too. :)

Keep speaking truth.

I was raised by Independent Baptists. I feel your pain with perfect clarity.

My first (instantaneous) thought as well.

A cygnet. Baby swans are cygnets. :)

Come on down to Southern Illinois, where you could buy a small house for a third of that.

Audiobooks too! I downloaded the entire Harry Potter series in German, and I listen to them constantly. Because I’m already so familiar with the stories, it’s easy to figure out anything I don’t immediately understand. It’s really been helping my German listening skills.

An extra $1000 per month would ensure that I can pay ALL of my bills each month, without ever having to strategically rotate which one will be skipped this time.

Red onions smell like armpits. Seriously, I find them indistinguishable. Several times I’ve walked into a conference room at work, been hit with the smell of the worst B.O. ever, and started discreetly looking for the source-- only to find that someone had thrown the red onions from their lunch sandwich into the trash

I guess it’s good that I don’t have kids, because reading this made me extremely angry. I had no urge to chuckle or even smile, and it angered me further that your wife somehow found the situation funny. If I had been in your shoes, I would now be gravely worried that there was something catastrophically wrong with my

What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you seriously arguing that a rapist shouldn’t be punished if he only did it the one time??

Do you know the song? Rammstein’s “Mein Teil” was inspired by the case. :)

They don’t even have to risk something like that happening, ever. I work in a tiny rural hospital in a town of only a few thousand people, and even WE have it figured out. Everything we send to print is held securely until we physically arrive at the printer and swipe our ID badge. Only THEN does the document actually

For some of us it is! I just had to buy a different vehicle a month ago when my 15-year-old car suddenly needed more repairs that it was financially worth. There are just the two of us, my husband and me. I found a 2015 hatchback that I’ll have paid off in a little over three years— affordable, and more than enough