Why can’t I find an actual list of the counties? Am I overlooking something? So far I’ve only been able to find Effingham and Monroe.
Why can’t I find an actual list of the counties? Am I overlooking something? So far I’ve only been able to find Effingham and Monroe.
I love the headline. It could also be interpreted as describing a mural at a California school, which has informed us that Trump is finally getting a replacement head.
If that is truly the case, then I’m good with the whole deal. I’m pretty damn far left, and I like a lot of her ideas. I’m just not fooling myself into thinking that any of it is going to fly with the general public.
I’ll really give you a seizure... As an Old, I use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in all of my text messages.
Man, do I wish I could get suspended with pay. Indefinitely.
There’s actually one in my local park! I’m surprised, as it’s in a rural farm town in Southern Illinois with a population of under 5000 people.
I appreciate the mention of how strangers might think something is wrong if they hear a child screaming, even in their own yard or at a playground. I fear that one of these days I’m going to ignore a child in genuine distress, because they all scream like they’re being tortured when they play- even things like “Help!”…
Other people don’t think that pictures of your kids make great presents.
Thank you for writing this. I swear this site gets even better every day.
I do typing work for an old dude, and he insists on two spaces. I’ve learned to deal with it, though, because he also insists on always using the Oxford comma. I’m down with that.
Please. Don’t you know that this is all going to fall apart at the last possible second?
Why does highlighter look beautiful on everyone else, but only makes me look extremely greasy???
Mine is on my chin and is in-between... It’s much more than a few “stray eyebrows,” but not nearly enough to qualify as an actual beard. May I recommend an epilator? I like the results of plucking much more than those of shaving, but it takes so long to pluck each hair individually. I just use the same epilator I use…
I still have my Motorola MicroTAC and charger. It’s absolutely delightful, from a nerdy pov, and I can’t stand to get rid of it.
I’ve been confounded by the Kanye-worship for a very long time now. I happen to be a white person from a small Midwestern town, so I just assumed that there was something deeper going on that I didn’t understand correctly.
Aw, Radar was a nice boy.
I don’t know what the hell is happening, because I’m white and all of my forks disappear too. My aunt recently had to sell her house and move into the nursing home, and I got all of the forks she didn’t take with her. They’re already disappearing.
Just saw this episode last night. :)
Bless this woman.
His face.