
Oh god, that zeeeeet click! - wubwubwubwubwubwub.... I heard it so clearly as I read your post. It was seriously almost an auditory hallucination or something. So clear.

Oh god, that zeeeeet click! - wubwubwubwubwubwub.... I heard it so clearly as I read your post. It was seriously

Came to nominate this. Left satisfied.

Came to nominate this. Left satisfied.

My experience is just the opposite. Eveeryone I know (including myself) who takes an SSRI has had the experience of it gradually becoming less effective until an increase in dose was necessary.

Wait.... Mrs. Slocombe is only NOW realizing that she likes edgy hair colors?!?

LOL! That was my first thought as well. :)

Yes yes yes! My very first thought! XD

D’ya like brownies? XD

Work a job that snooty people see as less-than. I recommend anything in fast food, a gas station, or any job that has you waiting on assholes and cleaning up their messes while they act all superior to you.

I’m another. I was a gothy teen and dyed my hair black for years. One day I did my usual dye job and reacted horribly. My entire head, face, and neck swelled— my eyes were swollen shut. It itched and burned like mad. I’ve never again been able to use ANY chemical hair dyes. I can bleach, or use stain-type dyes of the

Aggghh, my favorite EVER! :D

Mine has been doing that too lately! The ones he doesn’t eat, he carefully places into the water bowl.

I have years of experience with lots of different SSRIs. All I can say to you is DON’T GIVE UP if this isn’t the one for you. Everyone is different in how the drugs affect them, and no one SSRI is right for everyone. I do well on Celexa or Lexapro, my husband benefits from Zoloft, and my uncle does best on Paxil.

I don’t understand how anyone can live in such expensive cities! I live in a tiny rural town where there’s little to do and a lot of Trump supporters, but you can rent an apartment for $350-$700 per month — and a very swanky apartment for under $1000. Yeah, I’d love to live in an area where I’d fit in a little better,

Many thanks! You saved me the trouble of what I was about to have to type out.

Ooooh, crap... So I sort of wore tiny glasses all through the 90s and on into the 2000s. I swear to you it was extremely cool. Seriously.

It IS weird, but it’s not just Chicago. I live in Southern IL. I just checked the demographic info for my immediate area— 0.16% black. There are around 150 employees at my workplace, and NONE of them are black. If I didn’t spend half my life on the internet, I’d almost never interact with anyone who isn’t white.

I always have to get the dilated exam too, because I have a high cup-to-disk ratio. They never numb my eyes for that one, but I hate it anyway because it makes it impossible for me to read for the rest of the day.

That sounds more like the ones I get. My doctor doesn’t use the puff of air thingy anymore. They put drops in my eyes that numb them, and then place some sort of little gauge against the eyeball itself. I’d rather have the puff of air, I think... numb eyeballs feel crazy!

Our local public grade school STILL has the 5th grade students write persuasive letters arguing against abortion. They do it every year, and then publish them all in the paper. The old people just eat that shit up, unfortunately.

As soon as we’re both off work tomorrow afternoon, we’re grabbing our packs and heading into the woods. We do plan to come back for work on Monday morning, but if the shit were to hit the fan while we’re out there...