
She's not a villain, she's an anti-villain and all anti-villains/antiheroes are scum.


And you know that Mary was there because she had Baby Jesus with her.

Did he, now? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Nah, Wednesday saying some of his several names was amazing.

Because that was pre-Jesus.


Mormon Jesus - check
Virgin Mary with Baby Jesus - check

I think he's a good writer, nothing more, nothing less.

That's your wrong opinion. Go and read Nicholas Sparks or something.

1- Vulcan is the only character that wasn't in the book and was created by Neil Gaiman for the show and any continuation of the book.
2- Every relationship in the show exist in the book, but some are not so deeper or developed.
3- None of the characters changed personalities or behaviors. Not a single one of them.

I know. It's a reflection of your criticism ;D

"there isn't enough material"

I just feel like I'm giving clicks to their videos which they get paid actual money for doing a mediocre job and I hate myself for that.

Are you out of your mind?! The book was about the characters, and there are many of those.

That comparison is like comparing shoes with apples.

This is the wrong show for you, Tod. The whole point fo the show is what you're watching.

Wow I need to strongly disagree with you about calling Hannibal a distant show. You can't be more wrong about it. Now, I'm not saying your opinion is wrong because it's an opinion, but I don't know where you found that the overall impression attributed to Hannibal by the majority of fans/reviewers (I guess) was that

No because making it linear and straight to the point or plot over characterization is not how magic realism works :/

I hate-watching WTF because of how amateur their reviews are. Like I said in another reply, I watch a few fans who are better reviewing this show than the "pros".
For example, this ep was called "bottle ep" by the main host of WTF… Is NOT a bottle episode and he should know the difference, jfc. I just don't know why I