It would've been nice to have a genuinely likable player win.
It would've been nice to have a genuinely likable player win.
That's the moment I started to view survivor as rigged / manipulated towards a preferred player
Many returning players are irritating to watch.
Yes, she would've won that year if not for that.
Seems very likely.
In early seasons African American players were done in by the lack of swimming skills and voted off early.
I haven't watched survivor in years, but came back this season because she was playing, unfortunately for me, we saw very little of her before tonight.
Yeah, he's never managed to enhance his game play above the "I fish and provide role" even knowing how much it has failed him in later years.
If you ever have an opportunity, watch the previous two seasons Cirie played, specially the second one. She was incredible.
Great assessment of both characters and their relationship to each other. I myself have pondered about the embrace of Jimmy (the conman that he is), versus Chuck's complicated persona.
For me, and I suspect for many others, the dislike for Chuck comes from his self righteous rigidity. His inability to allow…
It started airing last week in the UK on channel 4
I am not smart enough to figure out if you are being sarcastic or not.
Because I was bored with the long drawn out Mike investigation, so yes, I opened the casing to check out a concern I had.
Your trivia made me laugh.
Let's hope there aren't any copies.
You are right, yet his self righteousness coupled with his issues are a powerfully repellent combination.
He may end up not being fine, but I think the tape carries more weight.
Put Chuck on the stand with the lights on and the stenographer's machine.
True, but those won't get him disbarred as they can be pleaded down.
And he is probably loyal to Jimmy because he sees Chuck for the loathsome person he is.
Slit your wrists boring…………… I actually opened my computer.
My first thought is that he will lay out how unstable Chuck is and use that.