
He also didn't seem surprised by her sub par dish.

Every time Tom steers the show in the direction of his chosen chef, I think of the show as "Tom's Chef"

Yes, Katsuji was over the line with Emily.
Having said that, Emily is like so many others in life who use arrogance and attitude to mask their deep insecurities and fragility.

This is where experience of the show comes into play, she knew nothing would be gained by sharing exactly what happened.

Yep, I anticipate Sam having a strong winning streak on LCK.

Amanda was my second choice to go tonight.

BJ finally goes home! Nuff said…

Only way to rescue things at this point.

While conveniently forgetting pushing out his sister as his main support system.

Well, Karma would be a well earned bitch.
I really can't get over taking advantage of Etta, it doesn't matter how things turned out.

Yes, I won't be back for season 8.
I have no interest in where this clear re set is headed and I am tired of all the shit the Gallaghers as a whole get away with.

I agree it was bad but nowhere near season 6 in my opinion.

He is probably holding on to that bit of knowledge until he needs it as a weapon to further hurt his children.

The twins are so bad at delivering their lines that I am happy Liam is mostly silent.

I agree.

Some of "Wall Street time" is set pre opening of the NYSE, specially if the company does a lot business with Asia.

On point #7 Lip asked Youens to text him the details for the interview. He got the info or Youens would not be texting him that he missed it.

Dear God, please let it not be Frank who discovers this.

An act he committed twice and got away with the first time.

I am with you, not sure about Svetlana but Fiona is no paragon of virtue and honesty.
I am reminded a few seasons ago (maybe season 5), when Svetlana gave her a dress down because Fiona acted as if she was better than her when she was looking for a place to sleep with Liam.