Formerly known as "Misery In Missouri"

He belongs in a museum!

I’m still refusing the acknowledge that the Crystal Skull even existed or was canon.

Considering how the last one isn’t looked upon fondly and this one with leaks an rumors aren’t stoking my faith in anything good, can we just let Indy go please?

I guess he could fight Nazi’s again. Seems like there are always Nazi’s around, even now. WHY THE HELL ARE THEIR STILL NAZIS!!!!!!?!?!??!

How about he returns all the shit he stole over the years?

Gustin has come out as NB too? Because I was talking about him being the one doing the overlaying onto Ezra.

Maybe they can add a prologue that says the Flash suffered a side effect from his frequent interactions with the speed force that makes him vibrate uncontrollably, then blur his face out for the whole movie. Much cheaper than deepfaking another actor in.

Just nuke the DCEU from orbit. And put the SPSMCU out of it’s misery too.

It’s a time travel story, so he could just alter the past enough that he is replaced with a different guy in the epilogue- it’s called “pulling a Fantastic Beast/Doctor Parnassus “.

The fact that there are people in this comment section bothering to correct other commenters about fucking pronouns is proof that the world has gone fucking mad.  Who gives a shit if someone calls this fucking lunatic a “he”, for fuck sake.

Chris has been called back to his home planet unfortunately. We need a new well established and likeable talent to take over the mantle for him.

According to the girl's parents, Miller started grooming her when she was 14, not 18. 

really sorry about that. totally unintentional.

I have been contending for literally years that this movie is never going to come out.  I figured it was going to be due to script and director difficulties.  I hadn’t really imagined that it was going to be because their main actor flipped their shit.

At this point, I’m just curious how many horrible things have to happen for them to deepfake another actor’s face over his in the months leading up to release.

Can’t we just deepfake Grant Gustin into the role? :(

With this being the return of Michael Keaton’s Batman? Not likely.

This! All of this right here. They’ll dump it straight to cable and cut their losses.

This movie is gonna be released to HBO Max in the dead of January with zero fanfare, then pulled after a week. 

what a disappointment, i thought he brought something pretty unique and oddball to the role. it’s too bad that he’s fucking insane.