Formerly known as "Misery In Missouri"

+1'ing this because this is so good but sadly it will fly over most readers’ heads.

Euro league fans will love seeing this from Grayson in a few years.

Phil Simms: “Look here, Jeeeimme. He was comin’ on the outsiiiiiide, when he meant to be coming on the insiiiiide, but I think he meant to be siiiide by siiiide with his teammate there on the siiiide of this screen. But be sure to catch CBS’ number one show, NCIS: New Orleans.”

Especially since it’s taking that big ass fish back to the water to brag and show off to the whole bunch of others. Cold blooded.

This Friday, it’s Rob Gronkowski in Pole Position

Jesus, I hadn’t heard of that until now. So yeah, you’re right. Screw those kids.

You sound upset about something small from many years ago.

[Trump]: “’FIRE!?!’ ‘SALE!?!’ Those words sound fantastic! Fire! Might! Sale! Long-term economic strength!”

Just wait until SUPER BOWL LIX. That one will probably be in Vegas.

They at least need to go back to having original Super Bowl logos, because this bland Lombardi-trophy-in-front-of-that-year’s-stadium shouts just how lame the NFL brass truly is.

Surely the TV cameras and just who they’re focusing on. He must’ve felt like this:

Is that John McEnroe? Serious question.

Also the away team gets to bat first, and you know home team fans will never like that.

This would be intriguing only if they have the slowest guy on the team on second. A Designated slowpoke.

Troy Aikman has probably been asking himself this all week.

Mark Davis has always come across to me as a real-life George Costanza. This is something that would happen to George.

Now playing

A song for the first week of the Trump era, a “real song of pain”

I’m fully aware of how other team/fans viewed him. That was a burst of raw emotion. My bad to other readers. It really sucks. I wish his family the best.

Wow, you can use a computer.

Except if you’re a Royals fan like me and fucking devastated. The thing about living in a city like this, in a ‘small market’, is most of us have a real connection to these players. Like they’re family. We see them out on the town and we don’t bother them all the time. They don’t need security when they go to a