misery chick

Agree. Kim Cattrall is an amazing actor...but especially an amazing comic actor.

I have fewer stories than most women about being harassed as well. I am 5'10, weigh 175 and have broad shoulders so I am literally the size of an average guy. I did have a guy follow me down the street a few months ago, ignoring my wedding ring and trying to get me to give him my number. I felt vulnerable and blamed

Stanford must be seriously hurting for work - I can’t believe he wasn’t horribly insulted by the ridiculous stereotyping and bad characterization of SaTC #2. That movie reduced him to a huge joke with an over-the-top wedding to the only other gay character on the show as an excuse to have Liza Minnelli on. I felt like

The last movie, MPK even said he was just fucking with us. Don’t blame KC because you made the shittiest sequel possible just to dick with the fans, and now can’t get yet another repeat done. It’s also pretty telling that the movie is THIS DEPENDENT on Kim Cattrall. Clearly they wrote a script so dependent on

The woman is a goddamn national treasure. Keeping her in my thoughts for recovery.

Just send positive energy and good thoughts like you already are- that’s what prayer really is.

I run a gender-equal Scout troop (under B-PSA). The first couple years, we ran it totally gender neutral and distributed the kids randomly into smaller “patrols” within the bigger groups, without attention to gender. Then one of our leaders realized that girls really do need a space of their own to feel confident

  • Flashbacks of past events that we’ve never seen before (including the scene in a subway station that gave the book its name)

So some silly women came up with a shirt to make them look less self centered that someone makes them look MORE self centered? Of course they work in advertising.

I wish you weren’t right. Look what happened to Paul Ryan again and again - he stood up and backed down. We are stuck in Idiocracy until the Republicans grow a pair.

Oh wow. I’m glad he was remembered, and I hope that people were able to take some solace from the action that Blackfish and Tilikum’s story generated.

I thought that was the whales bedroom too! Seeing the truth in Blackfish is awful.

I grew up in Oak Bay too. I loved the animals at Sealand. I was 14 when it shut down and only becoming conscious of how cruel it was to keep such brilliant animals in a space much too small for them. Orcas are also social animals with strong bonds to their community, and I had no idea as a kid the toll it must have

Yes. I run a Baden-Powell Service Association group. B-PSA (bpsa-us.org) accepts ALL Scouts regardless of gender identity or orientation, religion or economic circumstance. We have about 90 kids and offer a gender equal option for all Scouts. My group is in Brooklyn but we are a nationwide organization, and we focus

Sorry, I was totally not suggesting that you not give gifts! I was really asking if I was correct in understanding that you have a full holiday family shared experience going on of which gifts are one aspect rather than the focal point. It sounds like you have a really nice family experience going on for the holiday,

Yeah, but you could have all that WITHOUT the physical presents (or just give them boxes to rip open) and it sounds like you would have a similar experience. It’s not totally focused on what they’re getting but rather on the family experience, right?

I love this idea and all the other ideas in this thread. I am going to ask my son (8) if he would LIKE to contribute some extra money towards helping other children who may not have the resources to celebrate Christmas at the level he does. I am hoping that if I offer him the chance to kick in a few dollars towards

Except that no election will ever be legitimate again because the president just validated the conspiracy theory that millions of votes were illegal in this one. He did it out of ego, but now half the country literally believes that democracy isn’t legitimate so they will probably riot the next time a legitimate

Based on actual accountability this seems to have been a highly successful fundraiser from the Green Party: