Thanks for catching that, and thank you for agreeing!
Thanks for catching that, and thank you for agreeing!
You guys. Let’s not underestimate why he’s doing this. It may be for the adulation BUT it is very likely to rile up his supporters into actually engaging and attacking the protesters. His supporters at the crazier end genuinely believe the protests are funded by Conservative Boogeyman George Soros, who is funding…
Cultural appropriation based on stereotypes (tequila party) has no bearing whatsoever on a writer’s ability to present a well-crafted and researched character from a culture that is not their own. WTF in the first place, Lionel? Next she’ll keep this up while running a Speedy Gonzales cartoon behind her.
I use Le Tote which is $50 a month and I think this is actually better with regards to sustainability. I buy way less clothing overall because I’m renting new pieces to keep a work look up to date. Plus the clothes don’t take up space in my NYC closet and i dont have to deal with the laundry. It’s kinda genius.
How can we use our own consumer power to stop this? Boycott the songs & singles (ie. not listen on streaming or pay for?) Call radio stations and tell them not to play songs written by Dr. Luke? Here’s the list of songs he’s got a production credit on:
You know that old joke about how a child says, “well, if there’s a Mother’s Day and a Father’s Day, when is Children’s Day?” and the parent indulgently says, “EVERY DAY IS CHILDREN’S DAY”.
That’s how I feel about “All Lives Matter”, like it’s got about as much substance as a child asking why they don’t have a Special…
I just hope they credited Charles Phoenix, the retro-ironic inventor of this dessert:
Dammit, Canada. It's really difficult to be smug about coming from the country where the Underground Railroad took slaves to freedom, when said country continues to deny civil liberties to aboriginal people well into the 21st century.
Perhaps he is trying to appeal to a new generation of teenage boys who are looking for a fratty-slang spewing hero. Perhaps he also still thinks he's in competition with rap-rock for that audience as well. This all just seems horribly trite and outdated and not particularly Marilyn Mansonish, especially since he…
To be fair, I do tell my six year old that it's impolite to show his penis to a lady who hasn't asked to see it.
Well, it's a lot less bleak than the PNN signoff at the end of "Dinosaurs", with Howard Handupme acknowledging that everyone was going to freeze/starve to death in the immediate future. I half expected it to be Ted Turner saying "Good night, and good bye" like an overly serious Muppet.
It would have been nice if they could have done all the community involvement and volunteer work without it being part of a canceled Christmas. I think that's the kid equivalent of getting a card that says "instead of a gift, we have donated a cow in your name".
that French toast recipe will be appearing at a food cart or on Frankenfood before you know it.
Don't forget that diet pills are energy boosters. If you're dieting and losing energy from not eating sugar, those can help replace it enough to keep up with long days followed by child raising
Sex & the City already did this in season 6, where Carrie registers as marrying herself because (a) she doesn't think it's fair that only married people get the marriage and baby presents and (b) she wants a friend to replace a pair of shoes that was stolen at said friend's house.
I'd point out to Gawker that this will cost them ad dollars. As a digital media agency person, I can tell you that most clients will actually pull dollars over porn images, even if the parent site doesnn't control them. Case in point: many global companies pulled Facebook advertising after it was brought to light…
I hope this opens up more conversation around marriage & family as an equal partnership, rather than one depending on gender-specific roles (man = work; women = caregiver). In my household, I'm primary breadwinner; my husband is a research chemist who telecommutes & works a short week so he can also be primary…
I think she served champagne to the common people who paid admission to visit said closet. I'm sure those are the same women who also paid non-tax-deductible money to see Sex & The City 2.
More "when you publicize your wealth and do not take basic security measures, you have higher chance of getting robbed".
If you have a daughter and want her to experience Scouting that is focused on the outdoors and the community and devoid of Barbies, send her over to the Baden-Powell Service Association. We are providing traditional Scouting for everyone, regardless of gender, race, creed or sexual orientation. We aren't just the…