Eh. Why is this a big deal again?
Eh. Why is this a big deal again?
Women hosts these types of events as well. Plenty of men only and women only clubs and organizations out there. Fraternities, Sororities, Junior League, YWPA (Young Women's Professional Association), YMBL (Young Men's Business League), etc...
Nevermind. Thought I did. Enjoy your day.
Not even close to MRA. The idea is laughable to me. I'll admit, I got a little trolly so I apologize for that.
I understand the concept of punching upwards. The jester can make fun of the king—i get it. Work it out in relation to gender issues???
What makes the "gender gag" any more insulting than the notion that Kim K can read a book? Or that Aslan is less macho tough guy than we thought? They're all insults, they're jokes. Why are gender jokes not cool?
I'm sure no one on this comment board has ever, never in a million years, joked about anything remotely offensive or inappropriate, like, ever.
J-Law should just embrace her sexual power and release a new product.
The boy left a trail of tears on his walk back home but as a consolation the school gave him a nice blanket for his journey...
I guess I'm just beating a dead horse but this doesn't do anything. I think it's just pandering to a topic that politically everyone can get behind..."I'm against rape, vote for me cuz look what I did for the victim" This is so, so vague and frankly, doesn't amount to anything but political capital.
Scenario 1. "Oh so you had an oral contract?" "Prove it"
How does this really change anything? "No means No" and "Yes means Yes" is still just "He said She said". What's the point?
Just glad somebody got the reference.
What WAS Che Guevara doing in Iran???
Throbbing flesh rocket pretty much sums it up.
They don't float. (don't tell anyone I told you. running away now)
J Lo clearly prefers "pruding around." Don't let your lady bits be held captive by double standards. Most of us guys prefer for you to whore around. It makes the world a better place than church does!
sitting next to him would be a great weight loss strategy since I would ZERO appetite while listening to that. Smacking is gross, people. You're not 3 years old—eat with a closed mouth!
Is dating really this difficult nowadays? Jeez guys. Close Tinder and talk to the actual person, actually next to you, in the actual bar, in which, you are actually in! It's called communicating, you know, with people.
As a guy, I like the song and don't see why some on here find it necessary to nitpick this song to death. Can you ever just be okay with something or is there always a fault to find?