a few things that have prevented me from wanting to play the game again in the last several months:
a few things that have prevented me from wanting to play the game again in the last several months:
if we’re talking about local multiplayer then yeah, a console that can be used anywhere and has two controllers built-in to the system itself is easily the best multiplayer console ever made from that convenience alone
it was pretty wild seeing the fortnite section getting the most headlining in the Spirit Halloween store I went to this past weekend, the Dark Voyager costume I bought is surprisingly okay quality
this game would have heavily benefited from the weapons and equipment being doled out over time, rather than being something you either have or don’t based on external purchases
the art design on the game’s skins deserves a lot of praise, there’s just enough complexity to convey personality, but not to the point of feeling visually busy
this is probably a good thing, right?
considering this is another “my big-breasted young sister is in love with me!!” anime, bad animation is probably the least of its problems
if you didn’t grow up playing them, or don’t follow streamers/competitors, fighting games inherently aren’t going to hold appeal because their design is purposefully rigid and not fully intuitive to learn by yourself, even with complex tutorial systems like the ones in skullgirls or guilty gear xrd
presumably it’s the base game plus several basic ships/pilots, with the $80 version being the “pay us a lot now to get just about everything” SKU
The original was transcendant, a genuine modern JRPG classic. Gutting focal mechanics because they can’t think of a smart way to translate them to a single-screen tells me that Square-Enix doesn’t understand what is great about the original, or doesn’t care (probably both).
this one probably creeps me out the most as far as alt-right worldview goes, even though it’s practically the same thing they’ve always been doing: repackage conspiracy theories into the language of nerd culture (instead of “lizardmen” it’s “NPCs”) in order to further insulate the group from the wider criticisms of…
“people who complain are often told to lighten up”
y’know it must be hard to post this kind of strawman when actual real-life neonazis organized in virginia last year and actually killed a person
this whole sequence stands out like a sore thumb in relation to the relatively grounded aesthetic of the rest of the game
if I had to take a random stab in the dark, it’s that the content affected by the wide stat adjustment were parts of the game where stats were carefully adjusted and re-adjusted to account for issues and roadbumps that QA ran into during leveling testing over the years
nintendo why are you locking this advanced furry mii technology to one game
similar problem in dota 2 tournament streams, support players are actually playing one of the most difficult roles requiring them to constantly keep multiple plates spinning (warding, de-warding, rotating, jungle stacking, setting up smoke-ganks)
I was immediately interested in the game from the aesthetic, but every demo I’ve played has completely cratered my hopes for it
having played both games, I can attest that octopath has only superficial similarities to FF6, and this is square-enix’s management trying to cash in on the goodwill of their legacy (particularly a game they themselves still haven’t released a non-compromised version of) in an extremely cynical way
a better way of doing an event like this probably would have been to temporarily disable PvP until after the event scenes have played out