Fucked-up Movies To Watch Out For DUAN:
Fucked-up Movies To Watch Out For DUAN:
This system seems to be optimized for one discussion at a time; how long is it going to be until we regain the "All Posts" feature?
How does dismissing help if a troll starts their own discussion? And why did it take a new commenting system to foster more author-commenter interaction? Why didn't Denton just tell writers to get in the comments more?
The Newsroom DUAN:
I don't understand why I'm so pissed you beat me to posting this.
Sappiness DUAN:
I'm wrapping up watching it now and I thought it was a very strong pilot. However, the only critical review I've seen says it's all downhill from here.
"Raise your hand if, ever, EVER you have seen anybody in the crowd at a sporting event, when put on the jumbotron, perform a choreographed dance routine of any kind??"
I'm one of the four people that liked Studio 60 and went to go see The Social Network solely on the Radiohead cover so my taste in entertainment might be a bit suspect.
Man, you are gonna be pissed in 5 months when they announce the new one.
Knuckle Fluffin Watchamacallit DUAN:
I don't know about a walk-off, but he's definitely getting some 3rd-base action right about now.
But I thought quartz watches kept better time than pure-mechanical ones? And that Hublots were the pinnacle of watchmaking technology - that's why Jay-Z raps about them!
I don't know if it would be better the way you have it or if Boggs got mad at Boyd for not figuring out what was happening, but you need a +1 either way.
I'm not trying to say that drifting is 100% objective or that it's a capital-s sport, or even that you have to like it, I'm just saying that drifting deserves to exist as much as autox and every other form of car-based enjoyment, and if you would fight to keep one form of motorsport alive then it would behoove you to…
As much as I love the idea of all walks of the car community standing together behind the "commonality of the crankshaft" or "brotherhood of the ball-bearing" and wish for it to come true, I think we both know it'll never happen because people hate both things that emerge after they turn 30 or so and "whatever the…
You realize a reductionist argument works just as well against autox as drifting, right?
But my point is why would you move into a home where you know close by there is not only a place where people make a moderate amount of noise a few times a year and stop early in the night (drifting) but also a place where people make large amounts of noise many times a year deep into the night (baseball) and then…
You realize that there is an objective measure to drifting, right? The distance between yourself and your competitor/the clipping points and entry speeds aren't made up by a judge.
But the thing is the residential neighborhoods have never actually complained, it's actually the condos that came up after drifting started there.