
Oh man! You've got a very interesting background! The more I hear from you you actually sound a lot like me. I admit I'm a big Bernie supporter and I worked for his Campaign for a while, but I did have problems with some of the minority outreach. I'm more a fab of him than his Campaign staffers. I also briefly worked

First off, I'd like to clarify that I'm a black Millennial myself. I'm a 30-year old black man who holds down a job while also being on Dialysis 3 days a week. I'm VERY grateful for the ACA at the end of the day no matter how much I complain about it. Yes, it's a Republican app to avoid single-payer but it's better

I've said it before and I'll say it again: had Hillary chosen Bernie Sanders as her VP running mate she would have walked away with this Election. She'd have won the Rustbelt hands-down (that was one of Bernie's strongest regions), Florida, North Carolina (Bernie came close to winning there) and maybe even Texas. If

Not to mention, do you know who the oh-so prized and prestigious moderate Republicans vote for?: Bernie and candidates like him. State-by-state exit polls showed a lot of people who identify as "moderates" voted for Bernie or voted 3rd Party. Almost 15% of Bernie voters during the Primaries were registered

I hope this doesn't sound rude:

Not at all. People are sick of it. Imagine marketing food that way. "Our food is not quite as bad as liquid rotting diarrhea!"