
This episode returned to being boring, unlike last week's episode. Here's hoping that the season finale will have a good, non-frustrating cliffhanger. Cough, last season's. Cough.

And now for the long, long wait until season three. At least it'll have extra episodes.

Call me when Garfunkel And Oates arrive.

I found this week's crime to be especially relevant, due to the most recent scandal involving YouTube "prank" channels. "It's just a prank!", indeed.

1. I thought some of the more graphic jokes about Charles's hair were unnecessary.
2. Stephanie Beatriz could legitimately play a cop in a non-comedy show.
3. Darn cliffhangers!!!

It feels like the season just started. Weird.

I wish I could watch The Middleman.

It could still be fun.

I agree with you, an iZombie crossover would be great.

Hey, maybe that baby at the end is a Kryptonian werewolf.

I know you're joking, but I would love it so much if a proper Doc Samson reappeared in the comics or the MCU. Not only is he an interesting character, but it would mean more Jewish characters. As a Jewish fan, I think there's a lack of Judaism in the MCU.

1. I love seeing Clark and Cat interact. It's so good to see Superman back.
2. War-World shout-out! I hope this goes somewhere, unlike the Lobo reference last season. …Unless we see Lobo ON Warworld…..
3. I knew it, Ambush Bug is the villain of season three!
4. I'll miss Mon-El, but I like the way his exits and entrances

I wish we could get a full-blown crossover. Darn you, embargos!

I legitimately liked this episode. One thing that Gotham has over Supergirl: Recurring villains and villains interacting with each other.

1. Some good wordplay with 'Snoopy's Choice.'
2. I love the gag of Gil and Santa's Little Helper both eating out of the trash.
3. My initial reaction to the episode's synopsis: So…kind of like that episode of Rick And Morty? Maybe. Vaguely.
4. That "No, You Shut Up!" subheading makes me miss Paul F. Tompkin's No, You

I'll miss seeing her on the show.

I like her. She's funny.

I'm really going to miss Bobby and Vanessa.

And they cram as many Digital Short references in as possible.

Perfectly in character for them.