
Rebirth, then?


On another note, I'm so happy that Ella is a main character. She's improved the show from 90% to an 100%.

So, let's brainstorm ideas to jam Ambush Bug or Zatanna into the show somehow. Any pitches? I'll award points, @Midnight style, for fun.

Gah, I don't want the season to end.

I love the concept for this episode. I really don't want the season to end, but i know it has to soon. When is it ending?

The episode made me so, so happy.

I really liked how it made Sean Spicer slightly sympathetic, as well as just being a funny sketch.

I was hoping that he would work on the movie, seeing as he was mentioned in the first book.

This means that Bobby will have to leave SNL. Noooooo!

I also hope New Girl gets renewed, even if it's just for a limited finale season.

Instead, it's SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS FOR A CERTAIN MARVEL FILM Pac-Man in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2!


And hire the writers of Brooklyn Nine-Nine!

2. And to think I was starting to feel sorry for AIDA.

If the Hangover series starred the Brooklyn Nine-Nine cast, I would care about them.

I want to see Maze and Brooklyn Nine-Nine's Gina interact. It would be funny.

I feel like "Groovy Mood Ring" was seriously considered as an alternate title for this episode.

At this point, they're teasing us with the Batman references.

I still don't care about Gordon or Young Bruce/Clone Bruce. However, I love seeing the villains, especially when they interact.