
May I please deliver a query?

I've never seen the show, but a lot of people in it are funny. I know it's on HBO. How raunchy is it? I've been seeing the first season DVD at the library and I'm tempted to get it.

May I please ask a question to the commenters? I've never seen the show and I figured this would be the best place to ask.

To ClickHole!

I love Rube Goldberg machines. Thank you for this article.

Did he do it live?

Oh, my. If life imitates art, then this doesn't bode well.

YAY, the reviews are back!

Season two, season two, season two!

Oh, and I love how Josie is shown with a glass of alcohol almost every time she appears.

Murder board, murder board, murder board!

Also, best line in the series. "You can't take back a confession, this isn't church!"

I hope Trial & Error gets a second season. It turned out to be a really smart, entertaining program.

"I mean, I talk to squirrels! How zany is that?!"
"Well, I got my powers from a dimension full of clowns and some guy who looked like Groucho Marx. "
"….You win."

I would love to see an adaptation of Slapstick (He was in New Warriors!), but I doubt it would happen. If it did, they would make it more serious and take out all of the deliberately satirical nonsense. I've been reviewing the new comic for a website and the most recent issue brought back the Groucho Marx-esque


I love this story arc. I can't see how the next season can make something as suspenseful, devastating, or nightmarish. Any guesses? Maybe we'll return to the SHIELD Academy and have some new heroes being trained.

Is it bad that I'm amused by seeing Clive try and fail to not be annoyed when he's interacting with the employees in the beginning?

I hope Brooklyn Nine-Nine doesn't end for a long time.

I really like seeing Jake and Rosa's friendship.