

I hope Ambush Bug returns to DC Comics sometime this year.

That was amazing!

To rephrase, I didn't like the Cameron Stewart run. I love the DC Rebirth comic.

I didn't like the previous run. I hope I like this.

I'm fairly sure that the third episode is the last one.

Maybe he was unconsciously influenced by his joy at not going to prison.

I predict that in the final episode, we won't find out what number of stars "Last Review" gets.

1. I like seeing the behind-the-scenes of the show within a show.
2. When he's in his new outfit, Cohost!Forrest looks like Chris Gethard.
3. The trial subplot's resolution felt mildly anti-climactic.
4. I had such hope for Forrest and his wife to really talk it out. -sighs-
5. I still don't trust Grant.

More things: 1. For a musical episode, we didn't really get a lot of songs.
2. I don't mind references to musicals in musical episodes, but only if they're done well. Take, for example, this Phineas And Ferb song. https://www.youtube.com/wat… The references in this episode just felt clunky and ham-fisted.
3. The Music

Quite frankly, I was disappointed by the episode. I knew going into it that MM wouldn't be like the Batman: Brave And The Bold edition, but…..man, it was a letdown. I wish the whole episode had the same sense of fun as Rachel Bloom's "Super Friends" song. The rest felt by-the-numbers and boring. It just didn't feel




You fools, we were told to look away! WE'RE DOOMED! DOOOOOMEDDDD! But, seriously, I'm excited.

I'm disappointed in The Last Man On Earth for killing Lewis, and not just because he was the only LGBT character. I'm not quite sure how to say this without sounding dumb, but I know that this is a show about the apocalypse, but I just don't want every single episode to have something depressing happen. Also, I think

At least it had a good run. On the bright side, it'll give me a chance to watch the series all the way through eventually.

AHA, I found the comments!

I'm waiting for an Aristocats remake.

I hope Asif Ali's character becomes a main character.