

It was really more of a joke, anyway.

In terms of other characters that I want to see in the future, Starfire and Lobo.

What's mine is mine, And mine and mine. And mine and mine and mine! NOT YOURS!

It's Always Sunny In Thanagaria

Either way, as long as we get some great jokes.

Trapped in a lamp.

Stephanie Brown would burst out laughing.

Good point. My apologies.


Is it okay if I ask a question about Gotham?

Can't resist. If Harley Quinn also breaks through the network embargo and appears, then they could reference CEG songs.

Must resist..reference…

1. So, Bruce Wayne did for Selina what Jack Donaghy did for Jenna Maroney in 30 Rock?
2. I only care about the Joker and the Ed's revenge plot.

Oh, and one more thing about Mister Mxyzptlk. Anyone else wish that he would look like a live-action version of this? http://vignette3.wikia.noco…

So, fan-casting time. In my opinion, the actor doesn't really matter, we just need someone to put in a green costume, but some people might enjoy it. Who should play/provide the voice for Ambush Bug?

Awww, not Rachel Bloom.

A whole series of Ambush Bug (and Cheeks!) doing nothing but annoying them and making meta jokes. When he finally gets sick of Supergirl, he moves to the Flash, Arrow, etc.

So, we're getting Mr. Myzpltk in the future. When's Ambush Bug?

Someday we'll get a live-action Zorn and cartoon human characters.