
There are two penalties on the comment. Unnecessary use of a comma, and failure to comprehend the joke. 15 word penalty, retype comment.

That was my first thought too! Great eye candy, but completely unrealistic Tarzan.

And it has to be next to water so you can surf there


In software speak, smoke test fails and broke builds mean they essentially achieved nothing.

And routinely dismisses the ‘war on women’ as just propaganda. Instead of fact, because this bitch seems to be leading the charge herself. “Hey it doesn’t affect me too bad, so it doesn’t exist.”

CMP and Daleiden deny that their actions were illegal and have maintained that they followed both state and federal laws while recording the videos.

This is the article I was thinking of when I posted my comment. I do not understand celebrating people acting like idiots. Mocking them? Sure. But I don't get why this is presented the way it is.

Yellow 50-yard field numbers: dumb thing or dumbest thing?

We need this tornado of granite fists and shattered emotions inside of our sweat lodge. We must keep our players on their toes. I want this maniac to punch everyone’s lights out until someone stops his thunder fist in mid swing by gently whispering “No more, for I am the leadership king and my plan is to win the

The Jags are the worthless brother in law of the NFL, laying on your leather couch in his underwear, hogging the remote, eating all your food and drinking all your beer.