Misanthropic Holiday

We’re a classy group in this thread. ;)

I don’t know any kids like that.

You can’t get a headline right (😂it’s— literally at the top of the page, Professor...🤣), you’re still using the term “Weaksauce” (as one word, apparently) in 2019 (right before dropping some halfhearted ageism🙄), you seem deeply confused as to how quotation marks (even of the sarcastic variety) “should” “work”—

Let’s be honest.

I also would be interested in this “List of scientists definitely correct about the climate who are also not definitely influenced by the fossil fuel industry” 

This latest dodge on climate responsibility is as pernicious as it is shallow and it’s been weird to read it put forth so often even by people who should know better. Just because someone else is doing a bad thing doesn’t mean you have license to also do the bad thing.

This latest dodge on climate responsibility is as pernicious as it is shallow and it’s been weird to read it put forth so often even by people who should know better. Just because someone else is doing a bad thing doesn’t mean you have license to also do the bad thing.

And in a larger sense, just because you doing a

I wasn’t implying better, just different!

No One Impregnated” made me laugh so hard my cats got upset about it.

The class’ criticism just sounds like a shitty first-time, untrained teacher.

That’s OK. It happens to a lot of bull semen factories. 

Lauren Duca’s behavior at NYU is shameful but so is NYU’s hiring of Lauren Duca to teach a journalism class. Teaching is hard. Teaching a 3-hour college class is extremely hard. It takes practice and training. You can’t drag in a random working professional to teach their profession to college students. But

Damn you historical event! Be more interesting!


I wonder if he ever met Meghan McCain’s dad, whose name I forgot

I dunno, man.  I’ve been laughing and boozing for decades and things just keep getting worse.

Christ you’re right. It’s also my older brother’s birthday.

Nothing a sharpie can’t fix.

Jesus Christ......I’m beginning to suspect that maybe Barron is the product of Melenia having an affair with Larry Bird.

It’s got a Ralph Lauren signet on the breast, Dudebra. It’s immediately classy, despite being a t-shirt.