twelfth night

I see what you're saying. You can't separate form from content as they say, and having control of the form our thoughts take on the page is probably just as important as having control of the thoughts themselves. Considering how much effort I have already expended due to that error, I'll have to think about putting

You know when you put it like that it does make a lot more sense. I should apologize because now I look like the dick.

What are you talking about? It's only nitpicky because it's in response to a nitpicky post. I was simply responding to a nitpicky post with some nitpicking of my own why is this a problem?

I was only posing that argument to kind f counter the correction, as I am a bit of an anti-grammar Nazi and like to decorrect their corrections whenever I can (also I know that's not a word, I just made it up). Obviously it does not actually matter.

But I'm not a grammar Nazi. That entire thing was about not being a grammar Nazi. I about the farthest thing from a grammar nazi as you can get, since as far as I am concern, grammar should be wholly concerned with clarification of meaning and unconcerned with establishing itself as a set of rules that must be obeyed

It's autocorrect. It does it to me every time. I don't think that was a joke though. I mean if it was, it must not have been very funny. I'm an English Major and I didn't even find it funny. I did find the last part funny though. Be the first part was definitely a legitimate correction.

It's a common typo which, as with half of all typos on the internet, is caused by autocorrect/word/whatever program giving you that squiggly line. I don't think there are many people outside of middle school who don't know that you don't use apostrophes on plurals.

Actually he confirmed that's what he was talking about.

Also, your use of the single quote is misapplied there. This is a common error. You are using it to signify that the word you are enclosing in quotations is being used as a word. But you should have used italics for that. The use of single quotes in the manner that you used it is only to be used for certain key

My bad autocorrect always does that to me. And I don't think it's embarrassing to make a typo. It happens, all the time actually. I don't bother heavily reviewing my comments exactly because I don't think typos are that big of a deal. I do however, think it's embarrassing when you call out someone else's grammatical

Why is it that half the time Grammar Nazi's try to correct someone else's grammar on the internet, they turn out to be wrong? It's embarrassing. And what is more embarrassing to me is that 333 people did not see what was wrong with this correction.

Well it's no more cliche than Medieval Europe, or Rome, or WWII Europe, or plenty of other places. But people don't get tired of playing games in those places so I don't think we will get tired of Feudal Japan either. It has a lot of things that make it a cool place to set a story. The big thing is that, no matter

Aaaaah, this takes me back.

This needs to be its own article.

You know what this is called honestly? It's called wisdom.

This is the most accurate article about video games I have read all of my life.

Gamergaters: "women shouldn't tell games developers what to include or not include in their games"

Dude that's awesome. Thanks for the info I never would have tried it out probably as I, like many others, just assumed my mac wasn't built for gaming and left it there. I don't need to do any heavy gaming on it for anything, I didn't spend all that money on a fancy gaming desktop for nothing. But still, I would like

Really? does that work for you? I have a macbook pro 2014 and I was wondering what kinds of games it could handle.

I'm so tired of angry people yelling. I've had enough with the internet rage to last me the rest of the year.