
Investors are confused!

I managed to build a pretty boss deck within about ten hours; it’s a matter of challenging shopkeepers, inkeeps, and the “get a Gwent card from” quest targets as they become available.

If it’s not your speed, that’s okay—but you clearly took a tongue-in-cheek post -far- too seriously.

I disagree. Focusing on one game for the entire time would be boring. I personally care more about Pokemon than Zelda, and I know I’m not the only one.

Out of everything about the game I dislike, Preston’s constant quest giving is the thing I HATE. EVERY TIME I’m in any settlement I get some recylced quest I don’t want to do forced upon me. Preston is the worst about it because when you complete one he’ll give you another. This is the single worst thing about Fallout

Dogmeat was the best follower in FO4. Once his whining was modded out.