
At least he didn’t put his bum on the Swedish.

Considering this article is not at all about people with those issues with the movie, why even bring it up? Why do you feel the need to heroically throw yourself and your “Not all haters!” defense to this article about those fragile children?

You know, some people also didn’t like The Last Jedi because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.

Imagine feeling this persecuted because some other people liked a movie you didn’t like.

If you actually believe that Nazism had anything to do with Socialist pricinciples, you need to go back to the drawing board. You can call something anything you want, it doesn’t make it that thing. It’s like 1984 - the Ministry of Peace had nothing to do with peace. The Nazis were diametrically opposed to any sort

Probably the whole point, but I do wonder if this whole thing with these responses every time there’s anything inclusive is some kind of cry for attention and exposition, lacking the common sense to realize heteronormative people get that attention and exposition all the time.

I never understand this. How is a game 4 times the size of Fallout 4, with multiplayer systems and a whole load of other stuff a “cash grab”? This obviously took a massive amount of effort to make, it’s not a goddamn port of Skyrim again.

It’s nothing like Destiny so no idea what in the world you’re talking about or why you’re going on a rant. Its like you didn’t even attempt to read the article.

It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.

Who the heck buy a new console to play old games from decades ago? Especially when the manufacturer didn’t announce they would port these games?

if you bought into the switch just on the maybe of a VC, you’re kinda stupid

I’m still not convinced we needed this movie...

This is gonna make you feel better! :D

Isn’t playing a game 3 years earlier a decent enough reward? It’s not like Mario Kart 8D was discounted or anything.

He’s getting criticism for stuff that exists in all Star Wars movies. Could that casino planet have been cut? Sure, but you could have also cut the entire part of Empire where they landed on that asteroid. Or the entire adventure in the beginning with the Tauntaun.

Lost in the blinding whiteness of the tundraaaaaaaaa

Wholeheartedly appreciating the Mighty Boosh reference in the title

So you are really just here to state that his comedy is not your cup of tea.

Now playing

One of my favorite pastimes is finding old quiz shows on Youtube. Partly for the celebrity panelists but mostly for the average Joes. This is one of my favorites. Here is a guy who was the last known living witness to Lincoln being shot in Ford’s Theatre.