
It’s about time

Took ‘em long enough to do the White Men Can’t Jump sequel.

I was really looking forward to 90 Day Westworld Fiancee

Should’ve gone with
Star Trek + Showtime (and stuff)

Not a comedy I assume?

To me, Top Gun: Maverick exemplifies something we get very rarely these days: A competent, well-made, well-acted, and well-told popcorn movie.

But did Scott Pilgrim sex bob-omb at the box office? I’ll see myself out.

I surprised by the lack of BWWWWWAAMP in this one. I had to re-watch it just to make sure I hadn’t missed it.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I’m sure you’ll be able to shake it off.

This is crazy on so many levels. Doctors in New York shouldn’t be citing SCOTUS for anything (so it probably is his own personal agenda). That ruling (for now) left it up to the states, and New York isn’t gonna be banning abortion or passing any laws that would call into question his ability to give her the

I also had a moment thinking it said Disney+ It’s a slippery slope once you allow Deadpool.

Oh I agree. I loved that they tried to at least crack the door open to the idea that “anyone” can use the force. I just wish they had followed up on it and truly expanded the SW universe.

Just wait until Pitt teams up with Liam Neeson for Taken on a Bullet Train

Fine dining thriller. Is that the new “it” genre?

A descendant of All Y’all.

an accent that I can only describe as the “Kentucky Fried Goldmember”

This trailer doesn’t even have a premiere date, just “next year.”

I thought he was Jack Jack’s sidekick in the new Incredibles?