
I mean, it’s kind of hard to come up with fresh answers to the same question for the 500000000th time

You're welcome to quibble but your sentiment is the same (and I put Hitler OR a nazi commander).

No-they definitely have a history in the past of doing that.

It’s not the same at all. Dear everyone (and I include the asshole woman in Kentucky’s lawyer who did this as well). STOP comparing people to Hitler or a Nazi officer unless they are committing mass genocide.

Fuck you. I’m excited that my religion has for the first time in my lifetime got a face of compassion. I’m excited that he’s more interested in inclusion that exclusion and that he seems like a man, an empathetic man, doing God’s work.

Or, you know....he never did any of the things the Bible claims. He didn’t write the damned thing; much of the new testament was written 70 years after his death. My sense is he lived, was a type of guru, died and then all these people made up stories about him. He probably didn’t actually do or say a single thing the

If Jesus wasn’t an asshole, why did he end up the scapegoat to the romans? He pissed off a lot more people then he helped in his 37 years. Dude could down right have a fucking attitude problem. He only got really graceful after he was already being sent up the river.

Before that he bitched a lot and yelled at people

Jesus didn’t say anything because he wasn’t real. *tips fedora*

Jesus was a bit of an asshole.

“Eventually” is not acceptable. Every day brings more abuse, misery and death. “Eventually” is bullshit. He’s not cool. Period.

GOD. He’s not cool, he’s a god damn POPE. POPE’s aren’t cool, they are the head of an incredibly harmful religion which through forced conversions, has managed to spread all over the world, supplanting native cultures and religions on 5 continents. I hope shit like this makes people stop calling him “cool”.

Nonsense. First of all the Nazis did not go after gay men for being gay, that would be the British. See Alan Turing. The Nazis went after men caught solliciting for sex in public places. Gays were also sent mainly to work camps to be rehabilitated, not to death camps. Study history and learn the difference between

It’s more akin to a hypothetical Jew being fired from a Saturday job for refusing to go to work. I say “hypothetical” because there’s no way a Jew— or any other religious minority— would be stupid enough to stay at a job that conflicts with their religious beliefs. Only entitled Christians think they can keep a job

Um, I’m all for reminding folks that other groups were rounded up and sent to concentration camps, too (gays, Roma, people with disabilities, etc.). But is it really helpful to start the Oppression Olympics here? Like, who suffered worst before dying in pain and fear because of horrific state-supported bigotry? I get

oy gay

As someone who has a mother (and other family members) who narrowly avoided dying in the Holocaust by inches, I DETEST when people play the Hitler/Nazi card for ideological differences of opinion. Fuck this guy in his ear.

...I'm not sure whether this offends me more as a Jew or as a gay person.

I’m really, really, really glad these two mollycoddles were stupid enough to make a video for the jury who will be hearing their case and ruling unanimous guilt.

Really, this is about the sickest thing I’ve read this morning. If anyone deserves to head to the penitentiary on multiple counts of child abuse, it’s these two rockstars.