
Amazing article, this is why I prefer Gizmodo over any other gadget blog. The others seem like blogs written by guys in suits, this blog seems to connect a lot better with its daily visitors better than the rest. Its not just about gadgets all the time its about legos, awesome planes and many other exciting topics

@getlefty: when has that happened ?? I've never encountered that problem, am I missing something here?

@HowIsYourFlat: Servers Down time: since launch they have only been down .063% of the total time, if you play 5 hours a day since launch this means that the servers have only been down 2% of the time. See comment above.

@kingmanic: Also, its a PS3 exclusive, so you know SONY is footing the bill.

@sgt.riggs001: I'm already at a level where I can become the Squad leader, but you are by no means required to be the squad leader. Also, just because you're a grunt doesn't mean you have to carry out their orders, when I'm not playing with my clan the Officer in charge is pretty pointless because he doesn't know

Server downtimes really, this is really blown out of proportion. If you take into consideration how many minutes this game has beeen runing since midnight launch (11100mins estimate) the servers have only been down..... .63%.. thats not even ONE PERCENT... now lets be realistic.. nobody has that kind of time... lets

@BoriOki: Well only one is chose for each squad. It still lets them play together, now I don't know on how he gets picked. I don't know if its first come basis or level.

@Mark Oleski: This just shows that this reviewer hasn't been fully immersed into the game, which means this review is incomplete.

@thedoraz: any cheap bluetooth, like for phones will work. even a usb mic with a long cord will work.

@exion: SVER OR ANY OTHER FACTION HAVING AN UPPER HAND IS BS. From what I can gather, this reviewer did not play on a clan, I do. I've been playing with the same group of guys since the free public beta. Regardless of who we face we win 90% of the time. Now the reason that SVER is wining is that they could be

@M1TSIRUGI: if you want to put it like that, when did I ever say I played that game Doodle Jump??? My point is that the majority of the Kotaku readers are probably adults, adults that would rather carry one device not ten.

@Diamond Sea: whats wrong with a using a credit card, its not like apple is going to scam you out of some money.

@Brian Crecente: I would pull my hair out if I had that many emails coming in a day.