Miranda Meyer

Yes, I know. It's tough with a show like Hannibal that's SO serialized but also not actually bingeable to figure out how much to hold it to the standard of an episode needing to work on its own. (Not that this one didn't, but.)

Nothing exciting, sadly. Cabbage salad with homemade vinaigrette and a leftover homemade burger from last night (a really good burger, though).

DIO MIO, what an episode.

I keep thinking about Bedelia's last dress in the context of her dream/vision of falling into blackness. It's rising around her, up to her waist.

Here almost a year late to say that re: your last point, I thought Elizabeth was totally conflicted there between her responsibility as a parent (to follow up with Paige, either following her out of the room or calling her back in) and her responsibility as an agent (to get the uninitiated out of the room where major

Oh, thank god, an explanation for the name. It has never made any sense, and has been driving me up the wall since it was introduced because it (I believe accidentally) triggered completely incompatible associations.

Look, if they don't want me to think Shaw's bi, they shouldn't have had her announce unprompted that another female character is hot.