
Oh god, that show was horrible. I actually watched the whole first season, and that was more my genre than Master of None. The only reason I watched this show ( it took me little while) because it's critically acclaimed. Like Dev, I can be influenced by good reviews. otherwise I would have not have given this show,

Thanks for mentioning that. I loved that, too. It also added another layer to that character.

I love those Glee kids 😊(Except for some of the newbies the season that Marley was in). Totally agree with you. Again, especially with Dunst. Probably the performance of her career

I'll give Murphy credit for having a lot of good actors and especially, actresses in all his AHS seasons. Most of his regular cast would be deserving of an acting award. I just didn't think Lady Gaga deserves it, and nor does Bentley deserves the nomination. Gaga wasn't bad, but I just couldn't help think that

Thank you. I really thought Kirsten Dunst would win, but to lose to Gaga? Even one note Wes Bentley got nominated. I don't get the Golden Globes love for AHS this season. Fargo was leagues better. Although, I would have been pleased if Peter Evers, O'Hare, or Mare Winningham were nominated and won for their