Mira Mi Huevo!!!

@branchedout: I was gonna suggest the same as leonardtj. Last time I drove to my home town I listened World War Z and loved it... also any astro-physics audio book you can get your hands!!!

@DrSquirrel: I am pretty sure it is... I remember hearing and reading "app" and some other variations of it in the late 90's when I started High School. And you are right, it was short for Application...

Imagine if he ate some marbles and had gas... no household pet would be safe from his Farting Fury!!!

@Chernobyl: See, the average senator's brain is this size...

@Jackstick: @NyQuil012: Yes man, don't deny the Telecom's and FCC's right to ass-rape us!!!

@The5thElephant: I think you have a pretty good grasp of the situation.

@ortizlgnd4: I sell gorrrrditas not tacos... not all mexicans are the same you know...

I am going to slide my finger across the word "booty" a bunch of times... ohhhh yeah!!!

@ortizlgnd4: Do you think any low level government official (in the US or Mexico) is going to know what is going on in bilateral border protection efforts all the time... The US attorney general's representative did not know shit either...

@ortizlgnd4: and you call yourself a hispanic... he meant to say hominy, you know like in the menudo. You dimwit!

@ortizlgnd4: Tell me what target of interest in El Paso, TX is so important that your imaginary terrorists cannot wait to blow it up...

@Skydog: Ohhh my god... I will never fly a kite near the border any more... some dimwit like you might think it is a mexican spy aircraft!!!

@The Squalor and the Fury: Yes... "would of" twice... He saw the opportunity to display his great spelling skills and he took it because that is what heroes do!!!

@Grahmo:they FAIL and you WIN...

@Platypus Man: @Anonymous: *a man shrouded in white appears from behind the bushes and silently aims for all of your heads*

@coodgenducta: I guess you would like to type yourself an oil well, a house, a road or some electricity poles... You all are still assuming that most jobs will involve typing and it is not the case.

@s8ist: I see your point, but these things are "taught" (more like instilled) at home because parents instill these values in you (or at least they are supposed to). It is different in a school setting because the child is exposed or taught many different things and it is easier to teach information than to reform

@darthvolta: this is about spelling and not my idiotic metaphors... oh wait did I spell "layed" correctly???