Mira Mi Huevo!!!

@Dinosaur!: Spellcheck gets very mad when someone calls him a Tool...

What if the kid does not know how to spell the word at all and inserts a wrong one from the options??? Then all your spelling vs typist arguments are toast...

@vinod1978: You are asuming that every kid out of US schools will have a job where a keyboard will be necessary...

Forget about spelling!!! I work for a School District and now they teach kids "values" like honesty, responsibilty, self-control, etc.

@darthvolta: Let me build you a house, the bricks and mortar are defective, incomplete and not correctly layed, but don't worry once the siding is on you won't be able to see anything wrong with the house...

@Dinosaur!: So spellcheck is a "basic" now? I remember using a dictionary, and an abacus in elementary school... Now that is "Basics"!!

I was raised in Mexico and attended school there until the 9th grade... then I came to the U.S., started attending High School (10th grade) and I was dumbfounded (at my young age) to find that students were given the "OK" by teachers and administrators to fail 1 or 2 parts of the 3-part state standardized test given

@blyan is nominal too?: Idiocracy is one of the worst movies of all time, but the premise of it is a scary and very realistic window into the future of humanity...

@FriarNurgle: Oh tiny Tim... you've done it again... HAHAHAHA!!!

So, if I star to read this magazine from the last page to the first one... am I going "Back in Time"???

@Martin Sugar: No, the baby stole the iPhone and the Dingo ate them both...

@blyan is nominal too?: Also, you blew off your Australian friends to do a bunch of cool stuff and have a date in England?

@blyan is nominal too?:Oh no... you were right! I was reading your tread and the responses to it and I was like:

You can find this and other fine products at any of our "Douche & Douche" Jewelry Retailers...

The universe is not pretty and it wants to kill you dead...

After seeing the first picture I am not not so sure that I would ride this... Did you all notice the two covered dead bodies on the side of the launch tower??? : S

@Craniumz: The Jersey Shore Lives On!!!