Mira Mi Huevo!!!

This as well as Windows 7 was My Idea...

Now marketing companies can use this technology to shoot t-shirts to alien life forms in outer space and other galaxies...

@SewerShark: I didn't wasn't... I mean I used to could, but not anymore... I swear, I didn't dided it!!!

@SewerShark: I didn't wasn't... I mean I used to could, but not anymore... I swear I didn't dided it!!!

@CaptMorgan74: In the confined quarters of a spaceship... Everywhere you fart is my general direction!!!

Transporting the cheese in space = Good!

The best perk of them all though is that my wife won't have all those devastating headeaches she gets whenever I try to get my sexy on...

@Peppermint: Change the motor oil of your vehicle???

Dear Santa,

@hawkeye18: I'm with you on this one, but you should really try some breathing techniques or something dude...

The future of Pr0n is here!!!

@TechHaze: Its not "French Gizmodo", its "Freedom Gizmodo"...

@jnewman10: I think you meant "Douché"...

@RainyDayInterns: Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration...

@Settings: The internet is my country and Pictures of Naked Ladies are my Flag!!!

@Imagism: That is what she said!!! WOOOO!!!

@Salacion: You assume that the cheater has guilt (or a heart) and has not rationalized her crappy behavior and idiotically deluded herself into blaming their cheating on you... (which is what happens most of the time)...

@nosebleed: What!?!?! Does he look dreamy???

@Futhark: What is amazing is that some people still read Brown's crap...