OH MY GOD! YES! THAT is how deadpool is supposed to be
OH MY GOD! YES! THAT is how deadpool is supposed to be
Not sure why the guy filming this had to block out the triple headshot/head explosion, but whatever, what he didn’t block out is far past good enough for me. Bless you, Ryan Reynolds. Bless you for giving a shit.
This has gotta be a trailer cut just for the fans, right? I don’t care how charismatic Ryan Reynolds is, can’t imagjne a wide release trailer for a superhero movie ending with:
I’m a guy who uses several Burt’s Bees things.
Once Clotox took over the lanolin in Burts Bees increased exponentially.
Does anyone find the names Duggar and Smart ironic?
There is no such thing as chemical free. Everything is a chemical. This is one of my biggest pet peeves about how “natural” companies market themselves and I’m not even that much of a science nerd.
“I’ve got everything I need,” he said in an interview with the New Yorker. “A nice piece of land with hawks and owls and incredible sunsets, and the good will of my neighbors.”
Ah yes, because every dick that touches you removes one of your vagina petals!!!
Yeah, my 10th grade sex ed class did a similar thing with a rose that we passed around and each took a petal off of (gross). It was weird, because it wasn’t even an abstinence-only curriculum, but they were required to bring in an abstinence speaker. I wrote him a very strongly-worded letter about how he was being…
Thank you for the link. Ms. Smart is very right on, especially in this example, explaining how the concept of “sexual purity” factored into her decision not to run-
via Google news, I landed on an opinion piece on USA today (I clicked the wrong link, I was crying so happily) that was like, “no, don’t worry, straight-marriage will win out, it’s not going away.” like now straight marriage is banned or something.
A new Nier? Developed by Platinum!? For the PlayStation 4!?!
I was going to post this exact thing!!
I have to confess - as I’m a Korean-American. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is one of my all-time favorite films. I can totally understand though.
I was literally about to post the exact comment.
You said it better than I did, with Grumpy Cat.