
John Hamm. That’ll show DC for not hiring him as Superman because he is too old!

same. i wanted to like firefly, i really did. it was just snoozeville.

buy and resell lego.. better profits than gold!

Can someone just post a list of the ways? Cmon.

Why would the OP still give AutoZone his/her business?! I don’t get it!

no you keep deadpool out of the singer x-verse!!!

Definitely a homage to Link. Tho, maybe a Link to the Past, Wrath of the Dragon Came out a few years before Ocarina of Time.

i know right!! back in the day it took 3 days to download a terribly unwatcheable video, and we watched it on our tiny 13" monitor that needed frequent degaussing.. young wippersnappers these days!!

Bulma: Ocarina of Z

It doesn’t have to be friggin’ LITERAL!! Then again, why am I upset over the most ridiculous campy show of my late childhood being rebooted gritty and “realistic.”

not only studied religion but also studied the nature of cults and how they function. And that helped inform us how he chooses his Four Horsemen.

intro nightcrawler scene.. still one of the best superhero scenes

MC Clap yo hands

Easily the best part about season 2 was his addition to the series. Personally I would rather see a Kingpin spin-off, but what do I know!

[Logan dons a X-Men uniform]

British Sabretooth... Austin Shaggletooth? #ohbehave

hmmm... Gina Carano for inevitable bio-pic!

just in the knick of time!

this comes at a surprise to absolutely no one