
I’d put agent carter series before winter soldier. actually, just watch agent carter and winter soldier.

use caution with the resistance bands, reviews do not look promising on failures. some mention manual states only 90 day use!

use caution with the resistance bands, reviews do not look promising on failures. some mention manual states only 90

Venture Bros.

very cool. although, monoprice has a component/RCA to HDMI powered converter. works great with the original SNES and is far cheaper than $190

Take a look at the Moto X4

she took over for Eliza Coupe in Wrecked season 2 and did a great job.

Why you wouldn’t buy these directly from shop.lego.com I have no idea.

Why you wouldn’t buy these directly from shop.lego.com I have no idea.

I don’t want to search. Briefly, why P series is better?

I don’t want to search. Briefly, why P series is better?

Yes, Other Space was fantastic!

Elecom Lefty, let’s do this.

sounds like a good idea to me.

It could work. Ultimate universe came to be after the first wave of Spidey/Xmen/Fantastic4 movies from the 00s

i am assuming this article is talking mostly about the pre packaged bottle of soylent 2.0. Interesting enough, the plain 2.0 reminds me of the milk left over from eating plain cheerios. Now, the 1.8 in the bag, that taste like pancake batter! It is designed to be bland so 5 servings are not consumed all at once.

Joe and Mac, OMG. Greatest game of all.

are you being tongue in cheek with mystique and gamora color comments? jlaw mystique is in human form seemingly more than blue (originals had mystique almost always blue), gamora doesn’t have the yellow around her eyes and it different from comic counterpart. Domino looks great.

boy that would make for an even awkward captain america kiss...

I own this and find the keys assigned to function command absolutely terrible (function left arrow = home.. what?!). Not only that, odd shaped keys, and the X key stopped working. Who even uses the X key?

I own this and find the keys assigned to function command absolutely terrible (function left arrow = home.. what?!).

I won’t divulge how we use the Reality Stone, but we do use it.